Rend the Heavens!
Jesus first
appears in the Gospel of Mark when John baptizes him in the Jordan
River. The account identifies him with his hometown, Nazareth, a village of no consequence,
though its insignificance plays a role in the story. He is the “Servant of the LORD” anointed by the Spirit who
does not conform to popular expectations about the Messiah.
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[Photo by Nitish Meena on Unsplash] |
John was baptizing suppliants in the river, including the man from Nazareth. The account in Mark stresses the audible and visual phenomena that accompanied the baptism of Jesus, the “rending” of the heavens, the Divine voice, and the descent of the Spirit “like a dove”:
- (Mark 1:9-11) - “And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. And immediately, as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens being rent asunder and the Spirit descending as a dove to him. And a voice came out of the heavens: You are my Son, the Beloved. In you, I delight.”
The Greek verb translated as “rent
asunder” or ‘schizō’ means to “split, rip open, tear apart; to
rend asunder.” The same term occurs once more in Mark when the
veil of the Temple was “torn in two” as Jesus died. The verbal link is
deliberate. In the same way as the rending of the heavens over the Jordan River
revealed the Messiah, so also the “rending of the Temple veil” before
the ‘Holy of Holies’ preceded the moment of revelation when the Roman centurion
perceived Jesus was the “Son of God” - (Mark 15:36-39).
The “tearing open of the heavens” pointed
to the cosmic significance of his arrival along the banks of the river. From then
on, the Kingdom of God would be open to all men who repented and embraced the
message of Jesus, and likewise, the presence of God became accessible to everyone
based on repentance and faith.
No longer would access to God’s presence be
confined to the Temple in Jerusalem or restricted only to one nation. From that
moment – “In those days” - the Creator of all things could be seen and
understood only in the man from the small village of Nazareth.
The description
echoes a passage in the Book of Isaiah addressed originally to the God
of Israel: “Oh, that you would REND THE HEAVENS, that you would come down so
the mountains might quake at your presence… that the nations may tremble at your
presence!” – (Isaiah 64:1).
The plea of Isaiah was fulfilled when God “rent the heavens” and anointed His Son with the Spirit to carry out his mission, but it was not the mountains of Judea that quaked, but the hearts of men as they saw him and heard his words.
The preposition applied to the descent of
the Spirit stresses movement “into” or “onto” something or someone (eis),
in this case, Jesus. Perhaps the Spirit entered him at this point, though
the verb and preposition more likely picture the Spirit coming to rest upon
him. At this moment, he was anointed for his messianic ministry and received
the “Spirit without measure.”
Jesus heard the voice calling him “Beloved
Son.” The same voice is heard only once more in the Gospel of Mark when
it made the same declaration at his Transfiguration. In the present passage, the
voice combines words from two Old Testament passages to identify Jesus as the Son
of God who came to fulfill the promises:
- (Psalm 2:7) - “I will surely tell of the decree of Yahweh: he said to me, You are my Son, today, I have begotten you.”
- (Isaiah 42:1) - “Behold, my servant whom I uphold; my chosen one in whom my soul delights. I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.”
Both prophecies were Messianic.
By combining them, Mark clarified the identity and the mission
of Jesus. He was God’s “Son” and the Suffering Servant
described by Isaiah. Unjust suffering would characterize his ministry
and sonship.
The descent of the Spirit meant he was equipped to proclaim the Kingdom of God. The heavenly voice confirmed God’s approval of his mission and person, not just because of who he was, but also due to his submission to the baptism of John in obedience to his Father and Scripture.
The ministry of Jesus began in
fulfillment of Scripture as the “Heavens were rent” and the Spirit descended
on him. Whether his contemporaries understood his mission or not, he was the
long-awaited Messiah of Israel sent to save his people from their sins, establish
the Kingdom of God, and “shepherd the nations.”
Above all, he would carry out
his Messianic role as the Suffering Servant of the LORD, something none
of his contemporaries expected, and a reality that would defy all popular
expectations and desires about the Messiah of Israel.
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- The Messiah Arrives - (The Kingdom of God arrived on the Earth in the ministry of Jesus, beginning with his baptism in the Jordan River – Mark 1:1-3)
- The Forerunner - (John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah, the Herald of the Good News of the Kingdom of God – Mark 1:4-8)
- In Spirit and Fire - (The Spirit of God descended on Jesus, equipping him for his Messianic mission. He would baptize his followers in the Holy Spirit)
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